Chat With Document

Chat with Document is a feature or tool that allows users to interact or ask questions directly to a document through text-based conversations. This feature uses artificial intelligence (AI), such as language models, to analyze the contents of a document and provide answers or explanations to users based on the information contained therein. Users can ask questions or request clarification regarding certain parts of the document, and the AI will provide relevant responses.

Main Functions of Chat with Document

  1. Ask Questions about Documents:

Users can ask about specific information in a document, such as about a particular paragraph, data, or reference.

  1. Get a Summary or Explanation:

Users can request a summary of the document or a more in-depth explanation of a section that is difficult to understand.

  1. Interact with Documents Without Reading the Entire Content:

Users can immediately focus on the information they need without having to read the entire document.

  1. Speed Up the Document Understanding Process:

Allows users to more quickly understand or navigate large documents, such as reports, articles, or manuals.

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